Prologue for Mr. Com Memorandum

김봉길 Kim Bongkil
3 min readJan 23, 2022

From the creation of the earth to its disappearance, it is inevitable that when one good thing is made, a bad thing also arises. Just as many viruses that accompany human life and death disappear and appear, it is also inevitable that a new computer virus will appear no matter who guesses it. Just like the virus I made. I call that virus, which has only one in the era of all personal operating systems, a ‘boy’. The purpose of creating ‘The Guy’ was simple. People who do not choose realistic means and methods to achieve their dreams. The ‘boy’ moves in and out of a personal computer moment by moment through the communication network. Then, they check which individual actions are for their own benefit. The moment the ‘intentional error tolerance’ confirmed by the ‘boy’ is out of range, the ‘boy’ paralyzes the person’s personal operating system capabilities. Eventually, I find out that the ‘boy’ is destroying people’s right to pursue happiness. To realize that it is an individual’s right to pursue happiness in itself to achieve one’s dream by any means or method. Unfortunately, ‘the guy’ eventually becomes a synonym for a computer virus that destroys the happiness that each person seeks. I come to know that the act of lowering the ability of the personal operating system according to the limit of the expression of individual desires is not the best. What should I do, I have no choice but to find the ‘boy’ and get rid of it. Chasing and being chased starts to increase as the performance of the personal computer increases. In the end, after realizing that I could not catch the ‘boy’, I lure the ‘boy’ with my personal computer. The ‘boy’, known as the most infamous computer through self-cloning of virtual desire, has finally arrived. I keep silence for eternal questions and answers with the ‘boy’ in my computer. Recalling all human situations, it builds a consensus on the joys and sorrows of life, old and old soldiers, etc. The human ‘he’ who needs me has become increasingly simple whether he acknowledges this situation. I’m sorry, but at least it seems that he is getting help from his friend’s personal computer for survival, and he always seems to live in a field, a river, or a mountain, in a remote place from us. Perhaps, until the day ‘he’ no longer needs me, and so the day that ‘his’ death notice is announced to us, I will keep ‘the guy’, then there is no more work to do, so my meaning is over. One line should be recorded. In this way, <Mr. Com Memorandum> is a list of things that you and the ‘boy’ wanted to share more with. Yes, like other people, one day I am happy with nature, and then one day I suddenly disappear. A human being will always continue to have bizarre, dreamlike thoughts. Just like the words I wanted to leave in this <Mr. Com Memorandum>. Maybe, ‘the guy’ was my dream. It may also be that I am who I am or that I want to be a part of my life and more. Of course, I promise that I will no longer have the terrifying thought that I might have been a ‘boy’.



김봉길 Kim Bongkil

1956년 천안 출생. 2021년 5월 <블록체인 산책> 출간, 시인, 컬럼니스트, 시집 <가까이 보기> <겨울외출>